barcode scanners, anyone?

From: Ben Franchuk <>
Date: Mon Sep 1 01:09:01 2003

Mail List wrote:

> That's good. But at the mall or the strip malls, I don't know the
> address. I should
> find out, to be prepared in advance. But the truth is, with Radio Shack
> not seeming
> to stock as many basic DIY components these days, I only go there every
> once
> in a while anymore. Last things I bought there were some lithium coin
> cells, some
> electronic clocks and digital display alarm clocks, but they were pretty
> nice. Better
> selection of that kind of thing than Kmart, and exactly what I needed at
> the time.

I never found Radio Shack to sell anything that one could ever do useful
things with for projects as they never seemed to have any thing in stock.
The real DIY is hi-fi audio with good old tubes is making a comeback but
don't expect to find it here. I consider Radio Shack just any low end
electronics store, that sells a few cables, connectors and a odd part.
Received on Mon Sep 01 2003 - 01:09:01 BST

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