Available for free: DEC BC06L-03 cable

From: William King <nospam_at_dadaboom.com>
Date: Tue Sep 9 14:40:00 2003

I'm wading through piles of junk in my garage and came across a DEC BC60L-03
cable. I'm not sure what it is for. The connector on one end is similar to a
parallel printer port connector, but a few pins smaller. The other end has a
27 pin high density D shell (I think it's 27 pins, my eyes get a little
fuzzy looking at it.) Available for free to a good home. All I ask is that
you pay shipping which is probably about $3.00. If you live in the SF Bay
area, you can stop by and pick it up for free.

Received on Tue Sep 09 2003 - 14:40:00 BST

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