OT: need to drive a vector CRT...

From: Peter C. Wallace <pcw_at_mesanet.com>
Date: Mon Sep 15 16:07:00 2003

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Gene Buckle wrote:

> > there is a arcade game emulator called "mame" that has emulation of
> > vector graphic but uses ordinary raster scanned (runs on normal vga).
> >
> > You'd have a lot better maintainability and quality if you took a regular
> > vga monitor and wrote code to take in your vector plot data and made
> > a custom driver for a "game" that mame could run which would paint
> > your vector stuff on the screen.
> >
> > You would use a 5": vga color painting green lines, and would restrict
> > the thing with a mask in the software to keep it in the confines of the
> > console punchout's geometry. I would think that even the air force
> > might options such a product to replace their units...
> >
> Jim, the vector requirement is one of hardware, not software. Trust me,
> if I could buy a 4" round raster CRT, I'd jump on it. The whole problem
> is due to the size constraints. that I'm faced with. A 5" CRT is actually
> too large to be properly fit within the confines of the original
> enclosure. I therefore have to use a 4" tube from an oscilloscope as a
> replacement. To my (limited!) knowledge, no one makes such a thing in a
> raster drive configuration.

When you say CRT do you mean just the tube or the whole display system? There
is no such thing as a raster CRT if you are only talking about the tube. The
raster aspect concerns the surrounding electronics and deflection yoke (if

If you have to drive a 4" round tube and you need to make the electronics then
why not just raster scan an electrostatic CRT with VGA timing. No need to do
the vector hardware, as the sweep generators to do raster scan would be easier
to do than the vector generator, and you would be VGA compatible on the
computer side.

> If you look at http://www.f15sim.com/images/tews_teardown_sm.jpg (view
> tews_teardown.jpg for a much larger image) you'll see what I have to work
> with. Due to screen burn on the CRT, I've discovered that there are
> quadrant marks that are painted along the edge of the CRT circumference,
> much like a clock. This means that for my simulation to be correct, the
> replacement must be round. A square tube or LCD would give far too small
> an image. I'm going to write the driver software myself, but I have to be
> able to drive the screen first. :) If I could find a ready-made NTSC or
> VGA to vector converter, I'd be set.
> Thanks!
> g.

Peter Wallace
Received on Mon Sep 15 2003 - 16:07:00 BST

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