Compaticard stuff

From: Bruce Lane <>
Date: Thu Sep 25 10:20:29 2003

Joe, I'd like to archive that floppy, and make it available on my FTP server. Any way you can send me a Teledisk image of it?

Yes, I also have one of the cards. It's one of the few pieces of "classic" computing stuff that I want to hang on to.

Thanks much.

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On 24-Sep-03 at 19:47 wrote:

>was somebody looking for microsolutions compaticard stuff? I found my
>software and manual. Probably the floppy drive is around here also,
>but my recollection was it had failed.

Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
ARS KC7GR (Formerly WD6EOS) since 12-77 --
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" (Red Green, aka Steve Smith)
Received on Thu Sep 25 2003 - 10:20:29 BST

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