On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 vance_at_neurotica.com wrote:
> Does anyone have a copy of the last version of Microsoft QuickBASIC for
> DOS? I think it's version 4.5, but I'm not absolutely sure.
The very first piece of software I ever bought (Well, in fact, bought for
me by my father) was QB 4.5.
Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of the install disk images, which sets
the run directory, so this is _expecting_ to be in C:\QB45\
If its not in this directory, when you try and compile, it'll want to know
where the runtime libs are - which, of course, you can override.
(I also have PowerBASIC 7, the "Enterprise" version of QB4.5 if you'd
Received on Fri Sep 26 2003 - 10:47:34 BST