FCC Licensing of Personal Computers

From: David V. Corbin <dvcorbin_at_optonline.net>
Date: Thu Apr 1 18:39:00 2004

>>> Isn't that the version of Windows where system crashes
>>> often corrupt the hard drive, clear the screen and display
>>> a "System Abnormality Occured" message and the words "Call
>>> Microsoft... We Only Want to Help You", followed by a 1-900
>>> telephone number for Microsoft... a number that was one
>>> digit off and resulted in users getting a "Welcome to
>>> PornWorld" telephone greeting and a $500 charge added to
>>> their telephone bills even if they hung up the telephone
>>> immediately?

The above is incorrect, misleading and just plain mean!

The charge was only $395!

Received on Thu Apr 01 2004 - 18:39:00 BST

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