On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 10:35:44 -0700 (PDT)
Vintage Computer Festival <vcf_at_siconic.com> wrote:
> Is there a good description of the various forms of ROM/PROM/EPROM bit rot
> phenomena on the web somewhere? Or could someone provide a good
> description?
> I know in the case of EPROMs the charge will eventually "leak". And with
> masked ROMs and PROMs the "fuse" can actual re-grow and turn a 0 into a 1.
> We've discussed it briefly before. More detailed information would be
> appreciated. Thanks!
Masked ROMs don't really have a 'fuse' to regrow. If Masked ROM parts start degrading, just about any other silicon is going to start having the same problems.
I'd like a reference to good information on this topic, as well. We should all be backing up our EPROMs.
An interesting unrelated side topic is the phenomenon of the Light Emitting EPROM. Has anybody else ever wired one of these into a circuit? (you do it by plugging the EPROM into the socket backwards)
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
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Received on Mon Apr 05 2004 - 16:18:10 BST