Documents and an IMSAI

From: Dan Veeneman <>
Date: Mon Apr 5 23:35:14 2004

I picked up some unusual (to me) documentation tonight, along with
an IMSAI and a Hayes S-100 modem that you can see at

The documentation includes:

An NEC manual (marked confidential) that is titled
"D22X7 Series 8-Inch Winchester Disk Drive Manual."
It has 8 chapters and two appendices, including

Solos/Cuter User's Manual from Processor Technology dated 1977.
According to this manual, "SOLOS is a program designed to be a
personality module in a Sol. CUTER is a program designed to
provide much of the power of SOLOS for the non-Sol user."

Thinker Toys Draft User's Manual for "Disk Jockey 2D"

Microsoft BASIC-80 version 5.0 Reference Manual, including a
letter from Thinker Toys explaining why they have to include
a Non-Disclosure Agreement -- and the actual Non-Disclosure
Agreement for Microsoft Disk BASIC or FORTRAN.

Microsoft CP/M and ISIS-II BASIC Reference Book, copyright 1977
when Bill et al were in Albuquerque.

Also some floppies:

Two 8-inch disks, both from Morrow Designs Thinker Toys
and both copyrighted 1979. One is labeled "SOL 2D - Diskate
Version 2.0 - Mod B" and the other "Microsoft BASIC Version

A sealed 5.25" floppy labeled "Milestone (c) 1981, Apple CP/M, Demo,
Revision 1.06"

More to come, including a Dynabyte machine that is still in the car.


Received on Mon Apr 05 2004 - 23:35:14 BST

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