At 09:40 PM 4/5/2004, J.C. Wren wrote:
> Win2K (and I think NT4) has a document indexing service. For Win2K, goto Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Computer Management->Services And Applications->Indexing Service (I think there's a quicker way to get there, but I use that so infrequently I don't remember).
> The problem is the query tool isn't as readily available or as usable as I would like. But it does work, and it's a little known service.
I remember turning it off. On my Win2000 machine it's under My Computer /
Manage / Services and Applications / Indexing Service / Query the Catalog.
This brings up a form for entering search terms. A link "Tips for searching"
brings up another sentence of help, and on that page, there's a button
"Query Syntax" that's a NOP on my machine.
- John
Received on Tue Apr 06 2004 - 16:12:09 BST