IBM 360 turns 40 today

From: Hans B PUFAL <>
Date: Thu Apr 8 01:21:13 2004

Chandra Bajpai wrote:

>Are there any working IBM 360 systems today? (or even emulators?)
>Any on display anywhere?
Display, yes : Deutsche Museum in Munich has a 360/20 (does that count?)

Emulators : search Google for Hercules Emulator. You can also get the
source to OS/360 complete with instructions
on how to build it. Several other OS are available in binary only form.

We recently found a private collector here in France with a truly
marvelous collection of old iron including
a couple of 360's. We plan on restoring his 360/40 sometime in the next
12 months and it should be on display
(before, during and after restoration) in Paris sometime soon.

More details when I can release then ;-)

  -- Hans P
Received on Thu Apr 08 2004 - 01:21:13 BST

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