On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 16:36:00 -0400
chris <cb_at_mythtech.net> wrote:
> content filtering so I can block certain kinds of email.
> What do others recommend as a decent mail server that can handle
> content filtering, multiple domains, POP access, and is free or darn
> near it. And for the on topic nudge, I would like to be able to run it
> either on an old Mac (probably not possible), or on mac68k NetBSD (so
> I can still use my old Macs). Although I am not hard core on platform
> or OS, that's just a "I'd like" option.
- NetBSD on what ever it runs on (gives you a lot of choices, mac68k,
sparc, hp300, ...) as OS. I use a SS20 and a RS/6000 for this.
- Postfix or sendmail as MTA. (As they come with NetBSD.)
- Maybe spamassassin for taging / filtering spam.
- procmail. It can do a lot of the work of spamassassin with less CPU
cycles and is usefull for other things too. (E.g. pre sort mail from
different mailing lists into different mail boxes.)
- uw-imap for IMAP and POP3.
> A web mail component would also be a nice thing if available.
No ideas about that. A friend uses - how was ist called - squirrel mail?
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Received on Thu Apr 08 2004 - 04:15:05 BST