In my quest to read every tu58 tape on the planet (one needs a goal :-),
I managed to read 3 tu58 tapes today.
Naturally in the middle of the 4th tape the controller died. (looks like
the rs422 received failed for some reason... humm... digikey to the
rescue :-)
Anyway, I think I have valid vax 11/730 console and diag tape images.
The 730 console tape looks almost pristine except for 2 files added to
the end (I wonder if the original "defboo.cmd" has been replaced, but it
should be possible to reconstruct it with a little hackery)
BE-T173I-ME "BE-T173I-ME","TU58#34 11725/730 CONSOLE","1982,1984"
BE-T175I-DE "BE-T175I-DE","TU58#35 11725/730 DIAG SUPER","PROPERTY OF DEC","1982,1984"
BE-T176I-DE "BE-T176I-DE","TU58#36 11725/730 MICRODIAG","PROPERTY OF DEC","1982,1983"
I also hacked an ancient CP/M program which reads RT11 disk images to
run on linux. It allows one to read the dir, copy a file out, copy a
file in, type a file, etc... (it's like 'putr' but only knows rt11)
It can be used (on linux anyway) to read the tape images and get files
off them. I haven't used it to create a tape image yet, but plan to.
I should have the drive running again once the UPS man arrives :-) I think
I have some 750 console tapes also, which I'll put up as soon as I read
Received on Thu Apr 08 2004 - 20:29:40 BST