>Correction. I just learned that the flash point for 3-in-1 oil is 305
>degrees Fahrenheit. If I recall correctly, the Laserjet II's fuser is
>heated to 320 degrees F., so... still, not good.
put a little on a non flammable surface (like concrete), just a small
amount (comparable to what you put on the fuser)... touch a match to it.
If it doesn't ignite, you should be good to go on the fuser. Matches burn
hotter than 305 degrees. (do NOT do this test on a flammable surface or
with anything like a cup or cap of oil... given enough fuel/O2 mix, the
match will ignite the oil, and not in a very nice manner)
You may not have sufficient fuel to start a chemical reaction. Unless you
soaked the part in oil.
However, regardless of the flammability... its going to smoke, and that's
neither going to smell good, or be very healthy. So you'll probably want
to break it down, clean it, and replace it with a high temp grease anyway.
Received on Tue Apr 13 2004 - 13:43:18 BST