Quothe John Lawson, from writings of Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 12:09:10AM -0400:
> Heeeeeyyyy!!!! That's freakin' BRILLIANT!!! Tons and tons of HorseShit
> dumped in/around Herr Ash-Krofft and his unruly band of
> much-darker-than-red shirted thug^H^H^H^H NuPatryuts(tm).
ROFL! Those people are far less patriotic than my toenail clipings.
> Of course, having neither Humor, nor Brains, I'm afraid the irony would
> be lost on them.
True. ...and with their current crackdown on porn, I'm just waiting
for the humor-impaired DOJ to contact me about my hosting a copy of
the EMUSIC-L Digest from 1989, containing information about the
humorous Project SynthSex, on my web site.
> Doesn't keep it from being a most wonderful idea; one that the Equine
> Husbandry folks might welcome as well... free mucking!
What farm wouldn't appreciate that? I have to say that, even after
speding a year and a half taking care of a horse farm for someone, and
mucking stalls in freezing and humid 100 degree days, surrounded by
biting flies at times, that such tasks were more pleasant work than
working in the typical corporate office environment. I miss it.
Fresh outdoor air, surrounded by critters that are much easier to get
along with, and communicate with, and far more intelligent, than the
average human cow-orker, no flourescent lighting, having great fun
while working---like driving a tractor down the road, in low gear,
with a round bale of hay on the spear and making the impatient harried
suburbanites driving behind me drive real slowwwwwwwwwwwww. :-)
> O well, this is hideously off topic.
> Sue me...
Hey, it's actually still somewhat on-topic; we could use saltpeter to
dispose of vintage packaged Micro$oft software.
Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved | My VAX | an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
www.rddavis.org | runs VMS & | her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
410-744-4900 | doesn't crash!| beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Sat Apr 17 2004 - 10:38:34 BST