Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, David Woyciesjes wrote:
>> Paper based RPGs? Ever hear of Gamma World? Post-nuclear radiation
>>infested land, based around Pittsburgh. I haven't played that since, oh,
>>1987 or so... I think I may even still have it around somewhere.
> Is that the one where your character could be a plant (plant-based
> lifeform mutated from nuclear radiation), an animal (same deal), a
> big-assed human (genetically engineered to be extrasize), etc.? I think I
> played that for a couple sessions with some nerd associates back in
> highschool. I wish I could've played more but our group was rather
> dysfunctional.
Yep, that's sound right. I created a 7 foot tall humanoid creature that
had sharpened 2 1/2 foot long bone material (3 on each arm) extend out
from his forearms. I should think that would sound familiar to the comic
book fans here. ;-)
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
Received on Sat Apr 17 2004 - 15:11:50 BST