On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> >Why on earth would you want to use modern cameras???
> Quality lenses and better shutter speeds! I'm normally limited to a
Do you know of ANY lens made in the last 30 years that can compare with a
Summicron? (or even the Nikkor 105?) (Goerz Dagor?)
> max of 100 speed film, though I did shoot 1600 speed once in a cave
> in Majorca. I think the max shutter speed is something like 1/200th
> of a second.
My 1938 Leica G (aka IIIA) goes to 1/1000th.
The Prontor shutter in the 6" Tessar on my 4x5 Linhof goes to 1/500th.
I can get the lens cap on and off of the lens of my >100 year old 8x10
view camera in about 1/2 a second, but at f64, that's PLENTY fast.
> There is a really impressive difference between projected Viewmaster,
> Realist and standard 35mm 3D images!
Why is that?
> Is this one of the rigs for holding two standard cameras at the same
> time? I think I've seen something like this that puts them base to
> base. I don't think I've ever heard anything about how well they
> work though. I'd be concerned about shutter timings unless shooting
> still subjects.
With a dual cable release, such as the one for the Visoflex,
it's good enough even for most candid shots of people.
Admittedly, it is not suitable for "sports" shots.
> >Or the prism attachements that fit on the
> >front of the lens and take the 2 images on a single 35mm frame.
> I've seen these advertised, they result in what I'd call an odd format.
"Standard" half-frame is an "odd format"?
In college, some of the guys built a dome with an aluminized mylar
interior surface. It worked OK for polarized 3D projection, although
MOST of the viewers of the 1/2 hour 3D video fisheye stuff got headaches.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Sun Apr 18 2004 - 13:46:39 BST