Other collecting activities?

From: Fred Cisin <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
Date: Sun Apr 18 22:09:48 2004

On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Tony Duell wrote:
> With the some proceses -- the one nicknamed 'wet plate' for example --
> yes you did. The checmicals had to be wet during the exposure. But the
> 'dry plate' processes used pre-coated plates, you used to be able to buy
> these ready-made (in fact when I made the hologram I mentioned a couple
> of days ago, the sensitive material was a very slow (and hence fine
> grain) plate.

A friend of mine used to do sandbox holography. She used to
make plates occasionally, but more often, she would
regularly buy plates at the only "professional" photo store.
One day, they had a "new" emulsion. When she asked about how
it would be for holography, the clerk told her that he had no idea,
but that they had a customer who "knows all about that stuff"
and that he would find out. Sure enough, when she got home,
there was a message on her answering machine:
"Hi, this is Alpha Photo. We have a question,..."

I would assume that that happens to Tony sometimes.

BTW, some of my older 4x5 film holders take glass plates,
and have little sleeves in them to hold sheet film in
place of the glass plates. Those sleeves seem to be
almost identical to the film sleeves in the multi-sheet holders.

Grumpy Ol' Fred     		cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Sun Apr 18 2004 - 22:09:48 BST

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