> > Money talks. Its a basic rule of life.
> That, I'm not disputing. However, the cheaper one can keep prices,
> the thriftier one can be with purchases---no matter how much money one
> has, and the more toys one can accumulate. Hence, the big collectors
> should like this as well, since they could have even more toys for the
> same amount of money.
Yes, but there's going to be supply-and-demand issues with popular items.
It's unavoidable that a rare or noteworthy system is going to go for a
premium, and that's the price you pay (pun intended) with an open market.
It's a commodity like any other.
Some collectors, at least in the Commodore world, may have snapped up a
number of rare units due to their deeper pockets, but they're genuine
enthusiasts as well, and have to their credit shared with the greater
community by offering pictures, scans, ROM dumps and technical insights.
Doing research for the Secret Weapons of Commodore, these high-power
collectors have been invaluable, and actually the fact that they *did*
have the green to land some of these amazing systems is very fortunate,
as otherwise they'd be lost forever in some storage unit. I'm happy that
such deep-pocket collectors *do* exist (even if that means I'll have
less of a chance to own one of those units myself, but that's life).
---------------------------------- personal: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * ckaiser_at_floodgap.com
-- "I ... I love you!" "Oh noo! I don't!" -- Awful movie, "Ranma 1/2" ---------
Received on Sun Apr 18 2004 - 23:16:36 BST