simple apple questions

From: Vintage Computer Festival <>
Date: Mon Apr 19 21:15:34 2004

On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Ron Hudson wrote:

> If I am in the monitor - how do I get back to basic?

<CTRL-C> to return to BASIC, preserving the program in memory
<CTRL-B> to return to BASIC, initializing program space

> If I am in basic Call -151 takes me to the monitor right?


> If I am in the monitor A ! takes me to the mini-asembler

Only on machines equipped with the proper ROM, which would be the Enhanced
Apple //e and the Apple //c+, and of course the original Apple ][ Monitor

The original entry point for the mini-assembler was $F666 (I can't
remember if it works on enhanced //e or //c+).

> URL for reference for the monitor? for the mini-asembler?

Here's some nice historical info:

As always, try Google before asking. Or Vivisimo.

> What do I call to get a character? to print a character?

$FDED is the entry-point for COUT (the character you want to print should
be in the Accumulator). I forget where the CIN routine is.

> Where is the best place to put my Assembly/Machine code program?

$300 has at least $80 bytes free for small utility programs. A simple
sound generating routine is common to place there. Otherwise, you want to
stay away from BASIC program space, if you plan to have a BASIC program in
memory with your ML code. $2000-$3FFF and $4000-$5FFF are hi-res pages 1
and 2 respectively. $6000 is a good starting point for large programs
that will be using hi-res graphics. You've got about $2600 bytes there,
more or less depending on how many DOS buffers you have open.

> Other pointers, tips, opinions, suggestions?

Have fun!

You really need the original Apple ][ Reference Manual. Let me know if
you don't have a copy and we'll rectify that.

Sellam Ismail                                        Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger      
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Received on Mon Apr 19 2004 - 21:15:34 BST

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