On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Dave Dunfield wrote:
> I have the Apple][ reference manual and a whole pile of other Apple
> reference books and material scanned ... I'd like to make this
> available, but I have not done so due to the copyright question -
> posting a published book which was sold on it's own merit seems less
> legit than manuals which came with hardware.
> Anyone have any thoughts/experiences on this?
What I tell everyone who brings up this dilemma is to just post it until
someone sends you a cease and desist. The chances of this are robustly
remote, especially with very old computer stuff (most of the companies are
no longer around, and even some of the publishing companies are dead and
gone), and all you need to do is comply with the cease and desist (i.e.
take the content off) and you're fine.
I Am Not A Lawyer.
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Received on Mon Apr 19 2004 - 22:31:05 BST