Epson website has vintage product info: cool!

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Tue Apr 20 19:57:24 2004

Quothe Vintage Computer Festival, from writings of Tue, Apr 20, 2004
at 03:45:14PM -0700:
> I just noticed that Epson's website contains product information
> (including manuals and sales brochures) for some of its legacy products
> such as the HX-20 and their old line of desktops. Check it out:

Now that's the sort of thing that makes one feel better about
purchasing such a company's new products. Companies like Epson
deserve some sort of special web page linking to both the classic
info. and their main page, don't you think? Some brief, handwritten,
thank-you notes, on personal stationary, to a few people in upper
management at such companies, with a brief mention of the
classic-computer preservation hobby, and the VCF, might help the
cause. Who know, more companies may catch on. Any thoughts?


> They even have a link to contact support on the vintage products (though I
> doubt you would actually get any help on would be neat to try
> one day however and see what happens :)

Indeed. :-) Thanks for posting this info. Sellam.

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Received on Tue Apr 20 2004 - 19:57:24 BST

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