>This is really nice to know. I tried bringing a few Mac II's to life to
>no avail a few months back. I figured there had to be a trick because
>they could not ALL have been dead.
Many Macs get stuck when the PRAM battery is dead or dying. Some won't do
anything, some will start but not boot (power on, spin up the drives, and
just hang at the grey self test screen), some will boot but you will get
no video... and some will just act plain wonky.
On some Macs, there is a 'CUDA' switch (no idea what CUDA stands for...
anyone know?). Its a little tiny push buttin switch on the logic board.
Pressing that switch will do a deap PRAM reset, which will usually cure
the dead battery issue (although if the battery doesn't get replaced, the
issue will come back eventually). This can be done in place of removing
the battery for 24 hours (but not all Macs have the CUDA switch, so some
you are just stuck pulling the battery).
Received on Wed Apr 21 2004 - 10:49:18 BST