DEC VR241-A color monitor in Germany available !

From: Pierre Gebhardt <>
Date: Thu Apr 22 07:29:25 2004

> For a rough test, set the switches on the back to 'Internal sync' and
> 'Terminated' (they'll be set like this if it was used on a 'Bow) and then
> feed a composite mono signal into the green BNC socket. 'Internal Sync'
> is sync-on-green, of coruse.
> If yoy get a green image on the screen, then the monitor is basically
> working. You could still have a problem with the red or blue video
> amplifiers, but theyr'e not hard to fix (unlike the horrible
> PSU/horizontal deflection system -- I still shudder when I remember that
> schematic!).
> -tony

Thanks alot for your hints Tony and Paul, I'll give it a try at home.


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Received on Thu Apr 22 2004 - 07:29:25 BST

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