Available: DEC LA120 printer

From: Ashley Carder <wacarder_at_usit.net>
Date: Thu Apr 22 16:05:38 2004

I like my paycheck a lot. Keeping up with the modern "technologies" and
systems on them that big companies will pay lots of money for has allowed me
make a good living for the last 25 years or so, and has helped me purchase a
acre farm, build a nice home on a 6 acre pond/lake, and send my kid to

That paycheck also allows me to attempt to purchase "Classic Computer"

I also have not forgotten that I owe a lot to the older technologies.
That's where I got
started. If I had not met the PDP 11/40 in 1976, I would not be where I am


----- Original Message -----
From: "William Donzelli" <aw288_at_osfn.org>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Available: DEC LA120 printer

> > Why? Just because some supervisor says to do something is no reason
> > to do something if it's senseless.
> It depends on how much you like your paycheck.
> > taxpayer, you certainly should be able to take a set of Linux or
> > FreeBSD CD-ROMs with you to a public library and use them to "repair"
> > at least one of their computer systems. Doing so may certainly freak
> > a pretentious librarian out, who claims to know something about
> > computers and doesn't, but that's not something that you need concern
> > yourself with.
> Not with any of the librarians I know. They would not freak out - stay
> cool and collected - as they telephone the police...
> William Donzelli
> aw288_at_osfn.org
Received on Thu Apr 22 2004 - 16:05:38 BST

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