Selectric Terminal

From: Tony Duell <>
Date: Thu Apr 22 18:01:56 2004

> Cira 1976 I developed a custom (wirewrap) interface between a Selectric 731
> and the original TRS-80 model I.

Doesn't that pre-date the model 1 ? :-)

> Could only get 9.5 chars per sec out of it though....

Yes, but it sure beat copying down listings by hand. My first printer was
the CGP115 -- one of those little 4-ballpoint-pen plotters using the Alps
mechanism (the one used in the CBM 1520, one of the Atari printers, etc).
It did 12 cps if you were lucky on 4" paper. But I could set it listing
out my BASIC or assembler programs and come back when it had finished. It
was a lot better than writing them down from the screen!

Received on Thu Apr 22 2004 - 18:01:56 BST

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