I've heard John Oliger's stuff is quite good.
A friend had his TS-1000 all tricked out with a John
Oliger Disk Interface, Parallel Port, Color Graphics
Interface, Joystick Interface and more...
It cost more than an IBM XT did at that time.
We used to tease him about the "Tail Wagging the dog".
But, he was quite happy with it all.
When I worked for Zebra Systems, we were going to
carry John's stuff. We went out of the Timex Market
before that happened though.
> From: "Glen Goodwin" <acme_at_gbronline.com>
> Subject: TS2068 disk interface (was Re: cctalk
> Hello Al --
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Al Hartman" <alhartman_at_yahoo.com>
> > What controller are you using on the TS2068?
> > Just curious...
> > - Al
> I use the John Oliger (JLO) interface. It supports
> two DSDD 5.25" and/or 3.5" drives in any
> combination and has proven to be very reliable. It
> also does *not* use the TS2068 cartridge port, so
> that port is still available for other circuitry.
> Additionally, the John Oliger Co. is still in
> business and still sells and supports this
> interface which was originally introduced in 1984.
> Glen
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Received on Thu Apr 22 2004 - 19:57:55 BST