VT52 question

From: Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
Date: Fri Apr 23 15:56:46 2004

> Does anyone have any experience reviving dead VT52 DecScopes?
> I'm getting a couple in unknown condition. One "lights up" and the =
> other one doesn't.

>From what I remmeebr the VT52 logic is somewhat strange -- it's
essentially a simple special-purpose processor with a simple data path
and microcode in a set of PROMs to control it all. The PSU and monitor
circuitry is more conventional.

I have the prints (are they on bitsavers too?). I would start by checking
the PSU rails, then if they're OK, look for sync and video outputs from
the logic. That will at least tell you whether you have a logic or
monitor problem.

Received on Fri Apr 23 2004 - 15:56:46 BST

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