Found a Coleco Adam on the weekend.
It's a bit odd in that it has NO tape drives. It does not
look as if one was removed - there are filler plates in both
tape compartments which look original.
System works - powers up in the Adam work processor, you can
enter text and print it, but obviously there's no way to save.
So it's essentially a storageless word processor.
Every other Adam I've seen has at least one Tape unit, and all
references I've located on the web list it as coming with one
tape unit as standard equipment.
Anyone know if there were any variations of the Adam which were
sold without any tape units at all?
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Vintage computing equipment collector.
Received on Mon Apr 26 2004 - 08:59:21 BST