Blinkenlights for everybody -- follow-up (1)

From: Tony Duell <>
Date: Mon Apr 26 22:38:41 2004

> > Put it this way, it's a lot easier for me to find the dead chip in an
> > M200 (or in anything else for that matter) and replace it than to fight
> > with some FPGA-based thing...
> Well, I suppose that would depend on the availability of documentation, etc.

I repaired my first M200 (which does exist, it's a Hollerith card reader)
with no documentation. And today you can get the manual from Bitsavers IIRC.

> BTW, it isn't really relevant to your point, but the Blinkenlights thingy is
> TTL.

In which case it almost certainly involves some other computer, like a
PC. I've mentioned before that I've never seen a properly documented
modern PC....

Received on Mon Apr 26 2004 - 22:38:41 BST

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