Seth Lewin <> wrote:
> >> I would take everything out, memory, drives etc., use a known
> >> good apple brand mouse and keyboard and see if some minimum
> >> system doesn't get some kind of response. ADB, SCSI, and
> >> memory can all look like this IIRC.
> >
> > I thought the fx required memory to be present to boot? So far my minimal
> > system has been system ROM/memory/known good kb/rodent but I still don't get
> > +5V on the ADB cable to the keyboard or anywhere on the motherboard
> >'s looking very dead-PSU-ish now.
> >
> I had a somewhat similar experience with a Iici - there's something touchy
> about the portion of the power supply circuitry that trickles a milliamp or
> so of +5 to the logic board to enable startup. Also - does the fx PSU have
> one of those push-and-lock-in power switches on the back? Iici's do and
> sometimes fiddling with that will have a beneficial effect. Worth a try.
Eleven years ago, 1993, this was the reason I got on the internet. I had
a IIcx that didn't want to start. Over a few months it got worse and
worse. Until it wouldn't start at all anymore.
So I searched usenet and found that the IIci and IIcx power suppilies
were all failing in the same manner. Dead solder joints on the trickly
charge portion of the unit.
It said to take the PSU apart and re-solder every joint on the entire
circuit board. Because who knows which one went bad.
I did it, and the PSU has worked fine ever since!
tim lindner Bright
Received on Wed Apr 28 2004 - 11:34:17 BST