Mac IIfx update

From: <(>
Date: Wed Apr 28 16:33:47 2004

> Well, like I posted yesterday I've cleaned and dismantled the PSU and
> verified it's not giving out any voltage at all. There's evidence of heat
> damage on what looks like ballast resistors next to a relay that must be
> triggered by the 5V ADB line to actually powerup the PSU, but I'd guess
> those things get hot anyways.

Yes, there is second 5V for standby for the ADB and batteries in the
IIfx does the rest for power up. Relay closes AC power for the
AC monitor socket and kicks the main SMPS into action.

Turn over and look at solder connections are they good? If not,
resolder them. This is odd because this SMPS in Mac II family
usually uses 2 sided fiberglass PCB not this cheap tan biscuit that
is commonly found in TVs.

> again I guess that's down to operational heat rather than excessive heat?

More like operational heat.

> Cheers
> --
> Adrian/Witchy


Received on Wed Apr 28 2004 - 16:33:47 BST

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