More DEC equipment spotted in Kansas City

From: Mark Davidson <>
Date: Thu Apr 29 12:19:44 2004

How much room are we talking about? My garage is pretty empty (2 car
and I only use it for my 1 car).


P.S. I'm new to the list... it's so great to find such a wonderful
list for discussing old equipment... just makes me wish I had owned my
house years ago when I had things like Data General Eclipse machines
and had to dump them for lack of space.

On Apr 29, 2004, at 9:19 AM, Michael Sokolov wrote:

> "McFadden, Mike" <> wrote:
>> VAX 6000-610
>> VAX 6000-410
> I'm salivating but just don't have a place to house a 6000 in a full
> cabinet
> (unless it's the smaller version for space-constrained people, a
> smallish
> rackmount XMI card cage, but those were rarer than hen's teeth), let
> alone two
> of them.
> Is it the kind of thing that's headed for death in a melter if no one
> takes it?
> If someone else (with a warehouse for his computers) can take them,
> great, but
> if no one does and they head for scrap, can you please take out all
> boards (I'm
> interested in all XMI and all VAXBI boards, the TU58, and any other
> boards/parts
> that may be there other than the huge cabinet that I unfortunately
> can't handle)
> and let me (or other interested people) have them?
> MS
Received on Thu Apr 29 2004 - 12:19:44 BST

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