Old Dos Programs

From: Jim Leonard <trixter_at_oldskool.org>
Date: Sun Dec 5 17:05:42 2004

Ethan Dicks wrote:

> Some stuff might go, perhaps... it has to be somewhat simplistic, of
> course. Infocom's DOS stuff relied on NANSI.SYS, IIRC, as opposed to

Since Infocom's DOS stuff was released half a decade before NANSI existed, this
is false. Regular ANSI.SYS was used if you wanted color; otherwise it was just

> I've had good experiences with 'dosbox' - I was playing 'XCOM' a few
> months ago on a Linux system. The DOS version of the game played fine
> with a couple of quirks, but nothing that kept me from playing it.

DOSBOX has come a long, long way and is fantastic for playing the majority of
older DOS games. Video and sound are nearly fully emulated.
(dosbox.sourceforge.net for those who don't know what the link is)
Jim Leonard (trixter_at_oldskool.org)                    http://www.oldskool.org/
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Received on Sun Dec 05 2004 - 17:05:42 GMT

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