Misc stuff (Canon TX50, Zenith, XEN-i) - South Croydon, UK

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu Dec 9 09:14:10 2004

Chap has the following going spare for pickup in south Croydon if anyone

      * Canon TX 50 computer. 8088 or 8086 processor. Single 3.5 inch
        floppy disk drive. No hard disk. 15 cm screen. Designed as a
        point of sale terminal. Built in tally roll printer. LED on each
        key which can be switched under program control. Comes with
        MsDos 1.25 and a set of Bureau de Change software - even the
        currencies are now nostalgic.
      * Zenith 'Portable' computer - we called it a 'luggable'. ROM BIOS
        dated 07/14/1987. 8088 or 8086 processor. 20 M byte hard disk.
        In working order. Battery dead but mains adaptor OK. No modem or
        network adaptor. Floppy disk drive missing but Laplink installed
        and working.
      * 3 x Apricot XEN-i 386/45 computers - at least one of them would
        work if the hard disk drive was replaced.
      * Apricot-specific monitor for the above - with a female connector
        on its cable.
      * Communicate C-FAX-SRI Fax-only modem card for IBM PC

He's got some other bits we're insterested in having for the museum, but
these ones above are surplus to requirements!

Shout if interested.


Received on Thu Dec 09 2004 - 09:14:10 GMT

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