HP9845 service toolkit

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Mon Dec 13 19:15:48 2004

Tony wrote:
> My workbench is currently covered with a 9845 is many bits :-). And I am
> slowly figuring out just what's inside that darn machine...

I don't know about the service toolkit.

There were apparently major software changes between the 9845A and 9845B.
I'm not sure how much hardware difference there is, but I'd expect it
to be relatively minor.

The 9845B and 9845C are apparently fairly similar in all respects other
than the monitor and the graphics control module (monchrome vs. color).

However, for the 9845B and 9845C there are two different processor
options. The original uses two HP "BPC" microprocessors, as described
in HP Journal articles. This is the same 16-bit microprocessor used
in the 9825 and 9835, and in various peripherals including the 9872
plotters. Later there was a higher-performance CPU option using
commercial bit-slice parts. Probably 2901s, but I've never seen one
so I can't say with any certainty. I'd expect that the I/O processor
would still be a BPC.

The 9845C monitor is apparently the same as used on one of the later
HP 9000 Series 500 machines, which were based on the HP "Focus"
(the world's first single-chip 32-bit microprocessor), and ran the
"Sun" operating system (which had no relation to Sun Microsystems).
They ran BASIC or HP-UX layered on top of Sun, similarly to how IBM
ran AIX on top of another kernel.

Received on Mon Dec 13 2004 - 19:15:48 GMT

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