Domain Name Registration

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Tue Dec 14 13:47:03 2004

Rumor has it that Zane H. Healy may have mentioned these words:

>Who do people like to use for registering domain names? DNS hosting would
>be a plus.

After NutworkContusions started giving me heartburn years ago, I went with -- not the cheapest out there, but their web-based tools are
fantastic (especially if you have a *lot* of domains to administer, like
me) and I've *never* had problems xferring domains out. They're not greedy
at all like NSI is.

I have no idea about their DNS services - I've always had my own.

Avoid "Domain Registry of America" like the plague -- they're even worse
than NSI!

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
Received on Tue Dec 14 2004 - 13:47:03 GMT

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