Cooking, fractions & reply attribution...

From: David Woyciesjes <>
Date: Thu Dec 16 10:25:02 2004

Roger Merchberger wrote:
> P.P.S. John: You know there is a way of forcing Spewdora to put the
> person's name in the attribution, instead of defaulting to 'you'? In the
> eudora.ini file, you could add a line similar to:
> ReplyAttribution=Rumor has it that %2 may have mentioned these words:
> The %2 replaces 'you' with the name of the person in the 'From:' header.

        Cool. Is there a listing as to any other variables that can be used?
Like date and time stuff?

---   Dave Woyciesjes
---   ICQ# 905818
Received on Thu Dec 16 2004 - 10:25:02 GMT

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