Oldest computer on the internet?

From: Jim Arnott <jrasite_at_eoni.com>
Date: Fri Dec 17 21:21:07 2004

Probably not the oldest, but none-the-less a feat of ancient technology:
Mac SE: <http://oldmac.toddverbeek.com:8012/>
Mac Plus: <http://aurejac.dyndns.org/>
a list of others: <http://macintosh.luddite.ca/>


On Friday, December 17, 2004, at 10:33 AM, Ashley Carder wrote:

> Does anyone know what the oldest documented functional computer is
> that is connected to the internet?
> Ashley
The first lemming to lead his peers off the cliff is a bold and
decisive leader.
Received on Fri Dec 17 2004 - 21:21:07 GMT

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