Who Made/Makes the World Smallest Harddrive

From: Gordon JC Pearce <gordon_at_gjcp.net>
Date: Mon Dec 20 16:24:36 2004

McFadden, Mike wrote:
> Not trying to start any flames but I didn't think they had any 30/30
> rifles in UK. I thought that's why the Bobbies carried batons and a
> whistle.

Erm, if they exist, someone will have one. Are you propagating the
erroneous USian idea that you're not allowed guns in the UK?

Nearly everyone I know owns some sort of firearm, mainly shotguns. It's
actually easier to get a shotgun licence over here than it is to get a
motorcycle licence.

Received on Mon Dec 20 2004 - 16:24:36 GMT

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