Anyone here ever played the old Mac game Captain Magneto?
Anyone ever win?
I can get the jet pack and I can fly into the castle past the killer
spider, but I can't figure out how to put together the rocket.
I also can't find the key to open the door on the micro island to get the
laser gun. Without the gun, it is next to impossible to kill that bastard
spider guarding the castle. If I can't kill him reliably, then I don't
think I have a shot at getting the rocket working.
I've wanted to beat this game for eons... and every Xmas I think about it
as I plan to return to my folks house and memories of sitting playing for
hours on end at the 128k Mac come flooding back. So its that time of year
again, and I still want to win the damn game!
Received on Thu Dec 23 2004 - 20:39:33 GMT