Interestingly, I was thinking the same thing. Although I wouldn't go as
dense as an FPGA, I wouldn't do wire-wrap either. I was thinking of reducing
it to a small VME enclosure with each of the major functional boards on a
single VME board. Somewhere he must have the schematics such that you can
grind it through an PCB/CAD + autorouter and come up with four VME boards
while preserving the individual TTLs.
It still gives you the feel of "old" but much easier for people to build. I
saw a Java-based DSKY simulator, so I would definitely want to add a
realistic DSKY enclosure. Radar and landing data could be emulated by
another computer, feeding the output of one like a tape into the AGC.
Neat project.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of jim stephens
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 2:25 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only
Subject: Re: Apollo Guidance Computer prototype replica
full simulation of Colossus 249, and Luminary131, on a virtual AGC block 2
I was thinking blinken lights though this fellow is light years ahead of
I could do. Also I would think the project done on a single small board
with an fpga would be a better way to do it, brought out to the DSKY, or
built into it.
I was wondering what the annunciators, and servo outputs were hooked to.
If this guy is not running the full colossus, then there won't be a problem
the program tries to gimble the descent engine, or is trying to track the
in high, low or auto mode.
very impressive though.
Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> This is going to blow your mind. This guy built a replica of the Apollo
> Guidance Computer prototype circa 1964 using 1960s era components.
> Do I sense here a Best of Show award at the next VCF? :)
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
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Received on Fri Dec 24 2004 - 13:33:01 GMT