OT: timing belts

From: Gordon JC Pearce <gordon_at_gjcp.net>
Date: Mon Dec 27 07:21:53 2004

Jules Richardson wrote:

>>Of course, the Ford Essex 3 litre V6 in my Scimitar solves the problem
>>by having no belts or chains at all - just two big gears. The large
>>gear uses fibre teeth which wear after a few hundred thousand miles, but
>>that's another story....
> That seems like a sensible way of doing it. I take it the Essex is quite
> a flat vee design? (just thinking about the Stag engine which is 90
> degrees and there's a hell of a distance between crank and cams)

It's 60 degree IIRC. The camshaft sits in the middle of the cylinder
banks at the top, with pushrods running up between the inlet ports.

Received on Mon Dec 27 2004 - 07:21:53 GMT

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