Trying to get running an LSI 11/23

From: Ashley Carder <>
Date: Mon Dec 27 23:48:51 2004

> I've been tinkering with this mutt LSI 11/23 system I've got and am trying
> to get it running. It's a custom-built system that has a mix of DEC and
> third-party boards. It's configured as follows--my apologies if I'm not
> conforming to standard DEC notation here [notes in brackets]:
> Cage 1
> Slot 1: DEC M8186 | CAMINTONN 504 [1]
> Slot 2: Dataram Diceon [2]
> Slot 3: Data Systems Design A4432-4 | Grant Continuity [3]
> Slot 4: Emulex TU0110401 [4]
> Cage 2
> Slot 1: Emulex Tu1110406 [5]
> Slot 2: Grant Continuity | Digital Pathways TCU-50DYR [6]
> Slot 3: MDB DLV-11J | DEC M9400 [7]
> Slot 4: Empty [8]
> Notes:
> 1. I believe the Camintonn card is memory
> 2. This has "RK:" written on the RK05 disk controller?
> 3. The Data Systems Design card has "DY:" written on the handle.

DY probably refers to the RX02 floppy disk drive, since I think
that's the two character code used to boot an RX02 on a unibus
system M9312 bootstrap/console emulator. Perhaps a controller?
Maybe you already have the disk controller you need.
Does it have a connector to hook up a flat ribbon cable. I don't
remember off the top of my head how many pins are on the cable,
but I just hooked up one for an RX01 drive/controller a week or
two ago.

And if DY represents the RX02 drive, surely RK represents the
RK05 drive as you are guessing.

Received on Mon Dec 27 2004 - 23:48:51 GMT

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