Powermac 8100/80 RAM question

From: Cameron Kaiser <spectre_at_floodgap.com>
Date: Thu Dec 30 12:53:47 2004

> > however, EDO is required in some Macs that use DIMMs
> You are correct.. There is actually a pretty good description of which
> and why here:
> http://www.macgurus.com/products/motherboards/mbppc6400.php
> I had forgotten about the late Alchemy designs with soldered down EDO RAM.

Heh, I'd forgotten about those.

I do find that the general rule of thumb (when in doubt on old Macs, use
FPM) tends to be true. All of my non-SDRAM Macs (my 7100, 7300, ANS ...)
use FPM.

---------------------------------- personal: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
 Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * ckaiser_at_floodgap.com
-- Death to spammers! http://spam.abuse.net/spam/ -----------------------------
Received on Thu Dec 30 2004 - 12:53:47 GMT

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