Commodore sold yet again

From: John Foust <>
Date: Thu Dec 30 12:57:20 2004

At 12:51 PM 12/30/2004, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>I don't know about anything up front, but the total 24x10^6 EUR isn't
>due in full until 2010.

And the English press release mentioned later in the thread
makes it more clear that it's only a subsidiary of Tulip
that's buying these rights. They can balance the payments
any way their accountants will let them. This "price" isn't
quite the same as someone walking up with a stack of bills.

(But given the massively out-of-order sequence that I
receive this mailing list, who knows.)

- John
Received on Thu Dec 30 2004 - 12:57:20 GMT

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