Hi Chris
The answer is absolutely maybe. It really depends
on the original cause. Try running some test with
a known good drive.
You didn't state what you were running on? Things
like Nortons disk doctor have good serface test.
>From: chris <cb_at_mythtech.net>
>Will a magnetic bulk eraser restore a floppy to good status?
>I have some floppies that are reporting bad sectors when formatted. I've
>tried bulk erasing them, and a format afterwards reports no bad sectors.
>Is this actually working, or am I just getting lucky, and those bad
>sectors will return shortly.
>These are DSDD 3.5's which are getting a little harder to come by. So if
>bulk erasing works, then I'll do that and salvage them.
Received on Tue Feb 03 2004 - 15:24:21 GMT