On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Bruce Lane wrote:
> I thought for sure I'd left my computer collecting days far behind
> when my interest in amateur radio re-flared a few years back. Then I
> came across one heck of a piece of history that I could not resist.
... you try to leave, and they suck you back in, ...
> Specifically: An original Compaq 'Luggable.' Green-screen, 8-bit
> motherboard, two full-height 360K FDD's, the works. Found at a local
> thrift store, in pretty good shape (if a bit dirty) and still
> functional, for the stunning price of $18 with tax.
That's all that it takes to get you back?
> <sigh> I couldn't say no. The sight of the thing sitting on the
> floor, gathering dust and negligent kicks from other customers, was too
> much. God only knows what I'm going to do with it... Although I do have
> a nice IBM 8-bit MFM drive controller I'm going to stick in there, along
> with a hard drive.
Careful of the power rating. Mine was NOT happy with a 4096.
> BTW, the thing had a fully-loaded AST SixPack Plus board in it. If
> this requires any drivers to work, I would appreciate knowing about it
> (and knowing where to find said drivers).
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Tue Feb 03 2004 - 19:25:33 GMT