VAX 4300 on eBay

From: Witchy <>
Date: Thu Feb 5 04:01:56 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Lawson
> Sent: 05 February 2004 00:05
> To:
> Subject: VAX 4300 on eBay
> For those of you with intact usernames, there is the following:
> category=1479

That's not a 4300, its an R400X DSSI expansion cab so it's pretty much
useless unless you've got a DSSI VAX to plug it into :) Also, if it's fully
populated then it's bloody *heavy*. Not as heavy as the VAX4500 mind - when
I got that one I had to dismantle it in the car and bring it into the house
bit by bit!


Received on Thu Feb 05 2004 - 04:01:56 GMT

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