Computer Collectors List - update

From: Brian Mahoney <>
Date: Fri Feb 6 10:18:18 2004

For several years I have maintained a list of computer collectors on my home page and for the last year I have had a specific site at another url. The list has over 40 names on it. Besides listing the collectors and their contact information (well, most of them anyway) there is an email address for the list itself and I send out emails to list whenever I get a query about donations or sales.

Ok, so far so good. The problem is that I don't have email addresses for everyone on the list. Also, there may be members of this group who would like to be on the list. Therefore :

1. Anyone who wants to be on the list, please send me an email at :
Make sure you have a good email addy in your response. Thanks!

2. Anyone on the list who has not provided me with an email by March 1st will be deleted from the list until an emaill address is provided.

Please don't respond to this post, unless it is to comment on the lists, respond to :

Lastly, I assume that nearly everyone here has some sort of site on the web. Mine has been up since 1995, relocated in 1997, and has spawned hundreds of emails from all over the world. The list of collectors provides me with a place to turn when I get leads about computers in Europe and the States. Since I don't buy computers any more, only taking donations, any offers of computers for sale or from locations outside of metro Toronto that are sent to my home page email adress, are sent to the members of the list. ALL requests to the email address are re-sent to members of the list. Hope this makes sense !

Brian Mahoney
Received on Fri Feb 06 2004 - 10:18:18 GMT

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