Why not grab them all and put them on Ebay. There are
other groups of people who collect old tubes. I
personally have a tube radio... It is junk in their
eyes though (it is an AA5). I know that people are
looking for 300B tubes, and some other big tubes. Do
them a favor, save those tubes.
--- Jay West <jwest_at_classiccmp.org> wrote:
> A couple of PowerMac 5260/100 machines, condition
> unknown (forgive me if
> this is too recent for the list, I know nothing
> about them as to age).
> They recently got in a HUGE shipment of old tubes..
> all different sizes...
> some pretty odd looking ones too. Anyone want me to
> look for a particular
> one?
> Jay West
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Received on Sat Feb 07 2004 - 00:15:30 GMT